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Monday, August 27, 2007

by popular demands... here i am to update!
Hahah... man i am popular, haha. ok lar super tired after mugging. starting to go full gear for my promos though, dun want my class to start with an 08 in front T.T

Hmm... miss chung cheng man. haha so wierd that day me and my cchms friend went out, and we started seeing th school song! LOL. wah but very heart warming that so many ppl like me have been so deepyly attached to our alma mater. Today you are proud of cchms tomorrow cchms proud of you!

hehe... really glad recovering from "dryness". God is Good. haha tests are meant to be passed and he wont give us what we cant handle. Yeap. All JC peeps study hard for promos. we own promos. A lvl ppl and db ppl alike jiayou we will own haha. Hope tpjc, we own for God. Altogether now!

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
11:12 PM

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hmmm..has been quite awhile since i last blogged, so here i am updating it with my NEW KEYBOARD. =DDDD whahaha....it has been an up and down week for me and whow...so many things happened.

Firstly, got back my mid year exam papers, well at least some of them. never failed so badly in my life before la omg... super depressing lor. Wtf i got like 35/100 for my chemistry, 18/60 for my maths....wah piang. dunno wad the hell i doing. super scary sia. didnt expect that at all, man doesnt feel good failing at all. Really dun wanna see an 08 infront of my class name next year la (in another words, retain) Kena woken up by my Maths teacher, she's really a good teacher of TPJC, mdm lim jinn. Really lor. Dunno wad have i been doing for the pass 6 months la, not attentive and stuff...really cannot let this carry on. if con't like dat hor, its over le. And wad she said really woke me up lar. "4H2 student failing maths, 4H2 class with only 3 person passing maths. People take 4H2 to get scholar, where are the scholars in our class?" Whah feel super gek lor....pek chek. Must work hard for this end year already if not arh... cham liao. Really dun wanna do badly. Hope my econs and biology will get better grades bah. But disappointed lar. haiz.

But this coming saturday is "LIVE EARTH"!!! Hooray~~can show our support to conserve the environment. World climate has been becoming real bad and man.... people still dun give a damn abt why singapore is getting hotter and hotter year by year. rainy season seemed to have changed the timing also. SO ppl, those who read this pls wear green to support! And pls recycle plastic bags, if possible, dun even take plastic bags from super markt. Dun be like those aunties go one time supermarket chiong plastic bags. Plastic bags cannot be eaten de relax. SO PLS RECYCLE. haha, i love the environment.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
3:59 PM

Monday, June 25, 2007

finally blogging again. LOL revival to my own blog! whaha... so many things happen between now and since i last posted.
HMM lets start with the most recent, which is like my. Mid year exam chemistry, TODAY! haha. and you know sumtting. I got like 50 marks blank?! its a total killer paper. everyone in the school seem to be mocking at those who studied bcos they did fail anyway =/ lol. Hmm....many of my friends going over to october intake polytechnic admission, wondering if i shud join them too.*
Yesterday watched Fantastic 4 with Fish. wah very long nvr meet her le lor. then yea, really glad to have such loyal friend like her la. haha destress me, though sumting happened then which made me damn stress till now =/ good friends like her shud be well treasured.

back again to Saturday 23 june. TPJC Dragon boat team........got 4/4 for our nationals dragonboat...damn sad. team now in a mess. dunno still gt training, dunno still got db team, dunno still got coach. team sunk into depression so much so dat all cant be bothered to study already...really sad. like Gan Da said, you are trying to squash out our "dragon" spirit"? NEVER. its OUR CCA u are trying to squash stupid school. zzz. maybe all jump to PA? who knows.

Really sorry for sumtings.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
8:41 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

wow...life in jc really flies man. 10 weeks of JC life is abt to pass by le. meaning about left, 6 more terms to A lvl? this is damn crazy. haiz.... however ,
Wah really damn regret act smart come over to TPJC for certain reason. Not doing well here at all lor. Can go NYJC de dun go, act smart come to this school which doesnt have any motivation for me to come to school even to the slightest bit lar.
Dragon boat J1 not enuff people, they say next year maybe we are gonna merge with canoeist to form SSC. By then, even the last thing dat i look forward to in coming to school is gone. tell me go school for wad?
Study? omg how the hell to study in such sucky environment and such crap shit time table? the school admin is like so damn slow to change my class can? gonna be 2 weeks le wad the hell are they doing. Our notes come to think of it, where got ppl notes print lecture slides de?! come on la.even in secondary school our note is better than wad is being offered here can.
Really regretted act smart. can go nyjc dun go. can pursuit CCA dragon boat. can hang out with old classmates. can have better notes and do better for As. the biggest mistake of my life is feeling up the form A. regrets.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
9:32 PM

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Wah really thankful for bryan today larh, talking to me and stuff regarding my spiritual life lor =DD thx.
hmm...lately have been really stressed out in my pursuit for academics and fatigue by my dragon boating larh. But wad really strike me in the talk is about what motives do i have for working so hard and pushing my limits, myself or God.
Recently have really been workinbg very hard for my test, quiz, training, trying to strive for excellence, but sometimes when u are over obsessed with striving for excellence, one often misses out impt point is dat we are studying FOR Him and WITH Him. It's a plainsimple fact, but really very hard for real practise to take place lor. Wah really hope can serve like how i did during holidays. Now with gay time table and dragon boat training really hope not to lose my focus. GOD!!!!! help me lar....
Studying without him, striving without him might be effective. Might work. Might get good results. But one things is for sure. You cling victory and results with unhappiness.
Gonna revert back to proper holistic life style le. Must do it.=)
after evaluation of my attitute, my behavior and stuff, i think i really have to do sumting to change this man. I wanna be salt and light! haha... if i can revert my attention to whats above, to commit my self as i did for my studies and cca, i believe i will do well de!!

Thank You bryan =DD

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
10:01 PM

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

whow, beautiful labour day accompanied by wonderful care group activity! wow really impressed by the family atmosphere in the new care group thru this "cooking" CG =DDD. haha really cool. damn sad i had to leave early anyway. well, apologise to my CG members for not eating with guys but cooping myself in the room mugging, haha cause i am super busy and smashed by the school work, all th to my econs teacher =/ but from the room i am really very energised and refreshed because of the dense atmosphere of love emitting from the family of God (luckily not emitting B.O)
Wah anyway, feeling kinda stress as usual (durh jc leh.) but really clinging on to him man, really because my life is at stake? haha. hmmm tomorrow gonna go for the Temasek Lifescience Lab (TLL) for my selection exam. very scared because of several things. Firstly, the attachemnt is 8 weeks long. (hope u all know how impactful dat is) Secondly, it is way out of my comfort zone.
I dunno if this is the best for me.
Good: Biology has alway been my area of studies and passion. Ambition to be a researcher and cure this stupid colour blindness of mine. Such chances dun come very often seriously. Only 2 per school leh, like 12 in Sg or sumting? i dunno.
BAD: 8 weeks leh. 8 weeks worth of training, 8x3=24. 8 service, 8 care group,8 weeks worth of remedial etc and make up lesson, 1 church camp, blah blah blah. ALOT JIU SHI LE LA.

I will just do my Best, God do the rest. seriously i am already very glad i made it this far and even if i dun get in, i will stil lthank God (because its really worth thanking, 8 weeks saved.) but if i get in, oh well, i will glorify him and find his fingerprints on life. He is the creator. XDD.

Finally, wanna thank jasmine for talking me thru this thing. Thank Bryan for giving advice and constant concern. Thank good buddy amanda. Flo for listening to me whine -.-

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
12:23 AM

Monday, April 23, 2007

whow u wont believe the power of morning prayer till you really try it man! it really strengthen ur day la! whow. and prayer really works. Initially i tot my ipod video is screwed cause it doesnt have a photo library for me to input photos and watch in my ipod. but the after prayer yesterday, the ipod auto reset then have photo library. How cool is dat?!

Another thing u uys will not believe is the very very amusing thing dat happened in school. really funny XD. Our school are priviliged to hold the European Union meeting, so all those high commisions etc from various country such as Germany, spain, finland etc are all in my school. The some of the students (including me) are required to attend the opening ceremony of "European Union in school" So all these big shots were sitting at the front central seats in our TPJC auditorium. And guess what?! Due to overwhelming rain, our audit roof started dripping water before water start literally flowing in. OMG>< lol damn entertaining. haha.

And saturday's sermon for striving for excellence?! really cool. Yeap! =D

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never be in want.
9:44 PM

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